Jaipur Metro

Jaipur Metro / JMRC is the first metro in India,it is in Rajasthan India. List of Stations, Contact Numbers, Fare, Time Table, Smart Card Recharge,Parking info etc

Jaipur Metro Rail Updates
Jaipur Metro Rail Photo

Jaipur Metro Rail ~ Route Map , Stations List , Fare , Phone Number , Time Table , Smart Card , Parking Details and more

Jaipur Metro is the first metro in India to run on triple-storey elevated road and metro track , it is in Rajasthan India and Jaipur is the Capital of Rajasthan. It started it’s commercial service in 2015.

Metro Railways In India – Get complete Metro Rail Lines Updates

List of Metro Stations

  • Mansarovar
  • New Aatish Market
  • Vivek Vihar
  • Shayam Nagar
  • Ram Nagar
  • Civil Line
  • Railway Station
  • Sindhi Camp
  • Chandpole
  • Chhoti Chaupar
  • Badi Chaupar

Fare Structure of Metro by JMRC

Jaipur Metro Railway administration approved the revised Fare structure with effect from 30.01.2025, the details of revised fare Matrix are as under:-

No. of Stations TravelledStandard Fare for Off – Peak Hours Fare (throughout the business day) (in Rs.)
0 to 2 stations6
3 to 5 stations12
6 to 8 stations18
9 to 10 stations22

Standard Fare for Off Peak Hours (Throughout the Business Day)


Abbreviations used in the Fare Matrix Tables for various stations name:-

Abbreviations and Full Name

NAMTNew Aatish Market
VKVRVivek Vihar
SMNRShyam Nagar
RMNRRam Nagar
CLJPCivil Line
MRSNMetro Railway Stations
SICPSindhi Camp
CTCPChhoti Chaupar
BICPBadi Chaupar

Discount for Smart Card (SV-1) Users

Benefit: A 10% discount on the standard fare for all zones.

Tourist Cards

There will be two types of Tourist Cards, one-day tour card and three day tour card, as under:-

Tourist CardFareRefundable Security DepositTotal Cost of the Card
One – day Tour Card (Which can be used on any one business day for unlimited number of Trips)10050150
Three- day Tour Card ( Which can be used on any three Consecutive business days for unlimited number of trips)20050250

Group Tickets

Group Tickets will be issued to groups of commuters between 21 to 100, on their request, at a discount of 10%.

Japipur Metro Rail Route Map

Following image shows the latest route map of JMRC Jaipur Metro Rail.

Jaipur Metro Rail Route Map from all the stations running now latest
Latest Jaipur Metro Rail Route Map

Station Contact Numbers

New Aatish Market282215228221722299877namt@jaipurmetrorail.in
Vivek Vihar282215328221732296448vkvr@jaipurmetrorail.in
Shyam Nagar282215428221742297870smnr@jaipurmetrorail.in
Ram Nagar282215528221752292300rmnr@jaipurmetrorail.in
Civil Lines282215628221762222470cljp@jaipurmetrorail.in
Railway Station282215728221772369733mrsn@jaipurmetrorail.in
Sindhi Camp282215828221782369959sicp@jaipurmetrorail.in
Chhoti Chaupar282216028221802324570ctcp@jaipurmetrorail.in
Badi Chaupar282216128221812604554bicp@jaipurmetrorail.in

Types of Tickets

Jaipur Metro Fare Products

Ticket TypeType of Fare ProductFare Product Name
Contactless Smart Token (CST)One Time Travel PurposeSingle Journey Token
Exit PurposePaid Exit Token
Free Exit Token
Contactless Smart Card (CSC)Store Value CardsStore Value - 1 (SV - 1) Multi Purpose Card
COMBO (!2)JMRC/HDFC Bank Co-Branded Smart Card
Tourist CardsOne-day Tour CardTourist Card
Three-day Tour Card


ColourJaipur Pink and Green
PurposeSingle Journey Token
Issued from Ticket Office Machine (TOM); By Cash, Ticket Vending Machine (TVM); By Cash and Nominated Customer Care Centre (CCC): By Cash, Master/Visa Credit – Debit Card, JMRC Smart Card
Maximum sale at a time06 Tokens per passenger
ValidityUse within 30 minutes from sale time
Permissible, length of time to stay in paid areaMaximum 60 minutes for entry at one station and exit from another station and 20 minutes for entry/exit from same station.
Refund No refund if used. Full amount from CCC if not used or in case of failure of revenue services. No partial refund.
Found without ticket/valid ticket in paid areaMay exit by paying penalty of Rs. 50/- plus Maximum fare of system
Overstepped JourneyMay exit paying additional fare of the
overstepped stations
Overstaying in paid areaRs. 10/- per hour or part thereof,
Upto maximum Rs. 50/-

Contactless Smart Card (Csc): Multi Purpose (Sv-1)

Issue/Sale fromCustomer Care Centre or nominated TOM or authorized
Purpose of useDaily Commuters Store Value Card (transferable i.e may be used by any person)
Minimum sale costRs. 50/- security and Rs.50/- add value (Rs.100/- per card) either by cash or any Credit – Debit card
Add ValueMinimum Rs.50/- and in multiple of Rs. 50/- upto Rs.1000/-
Validity of electronic value3 years from date of sale and shall extend further 30 years from date of last add value.
Discount on every journeyNil (if fare less than Rs. 10/-), 10% (if fare Rs. 10 or more but less than Rs.20/-) 15% (if fare Rs.20 or more)
No DiscoutnIf entry and exit from same station and Entry/Exit mismatch
i. Physically OK & electronically
ii. Physically damaged &
electronically readable
iii. Physically damaged &
electronically unreadable
iv. Physically OK & electronically
v. Expired Card
Electronic balance in cash not refundable from 01.04.2017
i. From CCC, maximum Security Deposit upto Rs. 25 will be
refundable after deducting processing charge of Rs. 25.
ii. Only fresh card shall be issued by adjusting remaining
electronic balance, and difference amount, if any shall be
iii. No refund
iv. Only fresh card shall be issued by adjusting remaining
electronic balance plus security deposit, and difference amount, if
any shall be charged.
v. No refund.
Penalties & Surcharges
i. Overstaying in paid area
ii. Lost Smart Card
i. If more than 60 minutes when Entry/Exit from different
station & 20 minutes from same station, then :
Rs. 10/- per hour or part thereof and maximum Rs. 50/-
ii. Neither to be replaced nor refunded/ blacklisted
Top-up facilitiesi. Through cash at CCC or nominated TOM.
ii. Through cash at Ticket Vending Machines.
iii. Through POS machine at CCC using debit/credit card.
iv. Through web recharging www.jaipurmetrosmartcard.in
v. Auto top up, if advance authorization to bank is given.
Minimum value in card to enterMinimum electronic balance equivalent to minimum fare
Negative electronic balanceAllowed to exit if entered.
Difference of fare amount shall be adjusted from security if
refund asked or
from subsequent add value operation

Contactless Co-Branded (Combo) Smart Card: Combo 12 (Hdfc/Jmrc)

Type HDFC debit cum JMRC Smart Card
Issue/Sale fromDesignated branch (s) of HDFC Bank
Functionality on
JMRC System
Similar to JMRC Smart Card (SV – 1)
Top-up facilityi. Through cash at CCC or nominated TOM
ii. Through cash at TVM
iii. Through POS machine at CCC using debit/credit card
iv. Through web recharging www.jaipurmetrosmartcard.in
v. Auto topup, if advance authorization to bank is given.
ValidityAs mentioned on the debit card subject to contract is alive
between HDFC & JMRC
DiscountAs applicable on JMRC Smart Card (SV – 1)
RefundThrough HDFC bank only
ii. Refund of net amount, after deducting surcharge of
Rs. 25/-, shall be accredited to the bank account and
card will be blacklisted for use in JMRC
Lost Combo CardHDFC bank can only block usage of the card.
On advice of bank, JMRC will blacklist it & refund JMRC
electronic balance minus Rs. 25/- processing fee to HDFC
bank account.
Further, HDFC Bank will transfer the amount to customer
Replacement of
Combo Card
Not allowed/ carried out by JMRC.
To be dealt by HDFC bank only.
Penalties and
As per JMRC Smart Card (SV – 1)

Tourist Card (One-Day And Three-Day Tour Card)

TypeOne – day & Three – day tour card
PurposeUnlimited rides as per type of card
Validity3 years from date of issue likewise SV-1 card
UsagesUnlimited ride; one-day tour card for 1 business
day and three-day tour card for 3 consecutive
business days including first use day
ValueOne-day card at Rs. 100/- & Three-day card at
Rs. 200/- incl. security of Rs. 50/- (Refundable)
Refundi. From CCC only & Rs. 50/- security will be
ii. If not used, than full refund
Penalty and surchargeNil, but valid for one person at one time

For Group Journey

Type and where to getPaper ticket through CCC
RequirementIf group exceeds 20 and upto 100
people and no relaxation even to child
below 3 feet height
Time limit in paid area for single
90 minutes from entry to exit at different
Overstaying in paid area in systemRs. 10/- per hour or part thereof per person
with maximum Rs. 50/- per person in a
RefundNot allowed
Return JourneyNot permitted
Discount10% on total fare of the group

Jaipur Metro Time Table

Time Table of Jaipur Metro Railway

Train Operation In Mansarovar-Chandpole-Mansarovar Section (With effective from 01.01.2019)

Time Table of Jaipur Metro Railway
Time Table of Jaipur Metro Railway

Ready reckoner to workout the departure time at enroute Metro Stations, considering the originating trains from Mansarovar and Chandpole Station:

Time Table : Departure Time/Arrival Time
Time Table of Jaipur Metro Railway : Departure Time/Arrival Time


  • Token sale from Ticket Offices/ Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) shall commence 10 minutes prior to first passenger train, and till 01 minute prior to last passenger train departure from that station.
  • The maximum permissible length of time of stay from entry at a station and existing from another station shall be 60 minutes. Similarly, the maximum permissible length of time between entry and exit from same station shall be 20 minutes. Otherwise, a penalty at the rate of Rs. 10 per one hour or part thereof, subject to maximum of Rs. 50 will be charged at exit.
  • The token shall be valid for use within 30 minutes from the sale time.
  • Automatic Fare Collection system entry gate time at that metro station shall be reckoned for the purpose of applicable fare.

Jaipur Metro Time Table details are here :- Jaipur Metro Railway Time Table

Smart Card Recharge

Smart Card Recharge - Jaipur Metro
Smart Card Recharge – Jaipur Metro

Parking at Metro Station

Arrangement of vehicle parking at FRMV 7 metro stations on Aao Taar
. , Effective from 2048)

Parking Contractor: M / s Shree Karani Trading Company,
244, Vijaybadi, Marg no. 4, Sikar Road, Jaipur
Mobile No. 9887609090, 9354363885




Currently, Jaipur Metro is scheduled to operate from 6:25 am to 9:45 pm.
The approved rates of parking at Jaipur Metro stations are as follows: -

8 hours to 8 hours
Of | 3 rupees. | 5 rupees. | 60 rupees.
2 | 5 rupees. | 10 rupees. | 20 rupees. 450

| Wow…

6 30 | 60 rupees_ | 450 rupees.

| 2 rupees. | _ 2 rupees | 2 | __- |
Just. 450 300 | 450 rupees. 50 | 4500 Rupees. 500


Note: Cycle of metro passengers, two wheelers, four wheeler cars etc. after parking of vehicles remaining in the empty space
Parking of metro feeder service and other four wheel passenger vehicles is acceptable.
Jaipur Metro Rail Parking details – Pic courtesy http://transport.rajasthan.gov.in/
Note: Cycle of metro passengers / two wheeler / four wheeler cars etc. after parking of vehicles remaining in the empty space
Parking of metro feeder service and other four wheel passenger vehicles is acceptable.

Parking Area (sqm)
Station ... North Direct .. [. Dakshidisha ..
| Mansrovar . 3000 Via
New Atish Market 6 km | 6 50 ... 500
. Vivek Viha .. The | "| [| | ... 60855 085
Shyam Nagar
Jaipur Metro Rail Parking details continued – Pic courtesy http://transport.rajasthan.gov.in/


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