Uran to Belapur / Belapur to Uran Local Train Time Table

Mumbai Local Train
Mumbai Local Train

Most of our viewers are asking for the latest Uran to Belapur local train time table. So we are posting here by the latest timings for your reference. Uran – Kharkopar – Belapur CBD : Mumbai Local Latest Train Timing are following.

Uran to Belapur Time TablePort Line Up

Central Railway announced that CR implemented revised suburban timetable from January 13 2024. Following are the details

Train No.
Train Code
99702 UBR 27:20 AM8:01 AM
99704 UBR 48:30 AM9:11 AM
99706 UBR 69:30 AM10:11 AM
99708 UBR 811:00 AM11:41 AM
99710 UBR 101:00 PM1:41 PM
99712 UBR 123:00 PM3:41 PM
99714 UBR 144:50 PM5:31 PM
99716 UBR 166:30 PM7:11 PM
99718 UBR 188:00 PM8:41 PM
99720 UBR 209:55 PM10:36 PM
Train Time Table for Uran to Belapur

Belapur to Uran Mumbai Local Train Time Table – Port Line Down

Central Railway announced that CR implemented revised suburban timetable from January 13 2024. Following are the details

Train No.
Train Code
99701 UBR 16:00 AM6:41 AM
99703 UBR 38:20 AM9:01 AM
99705 UBR 59:22 AM10:03 AM
99707 UBR 710:37 AM11:18 AM
99709 UBR 912:37 PM1:18 PM
99711 UBR 112:37 PM3:18 PM
99713 UBR 134:27 PM5:08 PM
99715 UBR 156:27 PM7:08 PM
99717 UBR 177:57 PM8:38 PM
99719 UBR 199:32 PM10:13 PM
Train Time Table for Belapur to Uran Mumbai Local Train

FAQ : Mumbai Local Train Running Between Uran and Belapur

How to go from Uran to Mumbai CST by Train?

As of now, there is no direct train from Uran to CST. However, you may go via the following route: first, take a train from Uran to Belapur/Nerul, and from there, take trains heading towards Mumbai CST.

How to go from Uran to Panvel by Train?

Currently, there is no direct train service from Uran to Panvel. Nevertheless, you can reach your destination by following this route: initially, board a train from Uran to Belapur/Nerul, and then transfer to trains bound for Panvel.

Which stations are on the Uran line?

A total of 8 stations on the Uran line include Nerul, Seawoods Darave, Belapur, Bamandongri, Kharkopar, Shematikhar, Nhave-Sheva, and Dronagiri. The line will feature two major bridges, 41 minor bridges, two road underbridges, and four road overbridges.