Most of our viewers are asking for the latest Uran to Belapur local train time table. So we are posting here by the latest timings for your reference. Uran – Kharkopar – Belapur CBD : Mumbai Local Latest Train Timing are following.
Uran to Belapur Time Table – Port Line Up
Central Railway announced that CR implemented revised suburban timetable from January 13 2024. Following are the details
Train No. Train Code | URAN | BELAPUR |
99702 UBR 2 | 7:20 AM | 8:01 AM |
99704 UBR 4 | 8:30 AM | 9:11 AM |
99706 UBR 6 | 9:30 AM | 10:11 AM |
99708 UBR 8 | 11:00 AM | 11:41 AM |
99710 UBR 10 | 1:00 PM | 1:41 PM |
99712 UBR 12 | 3:00 PM | 3:41 PM |
99714 UBR 14 | 4:50 PM | 5:31 PM |
99716 UBR 16 | 6:30 PM | 7:11 PM |
99718 UBR 18 | 8:00 PM | 8:41 PM |
99720 UBR 20 | 9:55 PM | 10:36 PM |
Belapur to Uran Mumbai Local Train Time Table – Port Line Down
Central Railway announced that CR implemented revised suburban timetable from January 13 2024. Following are the details
Train No. Train Code | BELAPUR | URAN |
99701 UBR 1 | 6:00 AM | 6:41 AM |
99703 UBR 3 | 8:20 AM | 9:01 AM |
99705 UBR 5 | 9:22 AM | 10:03 AM |
99707 UBR 7 | 10:37 AM | 11:18 AM |
99709 UBR 9 | 12:37 PM | 1:18 PM |
99711 UBR 11 | 2:37 PM | 3:18 PM |
99713 UBR 13 | 4:27 PM | 5:08 PM |
99715 UBR 15 | 6:27 PM | 7:08 PM |
99717 UBR 17 | 7:57 PM | 8:38 PM |
99719 UBR 19 | 9:32 PM | 10:13 PM |
FAQ : Mumbai Local Train Running Between Uran and Belapur
As of now, there is no direct train from Uran to CST. However, you may go via the following route: first, take a train from Uran to Belapur/Nerul, and from there, take trains heading towards Mumbai CST.
Currently, there is no direct train service from Uran to Panvel. Nevertheless, you can reach your destination by following this route: initially, board a train from Uran to Belapur/Nerul, and then transfer to trains bound for Panvel.
A total of 8 stations on the Uran line include Nerul, Seawoods Darave, Belapur, Bamandongri, Kharkopar, Shematikhar, Nhave-Sheva, and Dronagiri. The line will feature two major bridges, 41 minor bridges, two road underbridges, and four road overbridges.